Monday, May 14, 2012

Ciao from Arezzo!

We spent three days in Rome, with beautiful weather and delicious food. One full day we followed the path taken by the pigeon in David Maccaulay's "Rome Antics," which is a wonderful way to see this city. Many, many beautiful buildings, fountains and piazzas (piazzi?).  And I found a favorite fountain, the copy of which I sketched in San Francisco some years ago. It's the Fontana Della Tartarughe (fountain of the turtles), by Giacomo della Porta and Taddeo Landini. We are now in Arezzo, about 100 km south of Florence, where our friends Henry and Gabriella live. The Pope was visiting yesterday, but we really wanted to see the nearby castle in Poppi, so we had to beg off lunch with him. If you watched his Mass and he seemed a little miffed, that could be the reason. Found out that 95% of Italian households have a bidet. I looked that up because both of our apartments have had them and I just couldn't figure out why, when space is at such a premium, they devote so much of it  to keeping their private bits clean. But you can also wash your feet in them! Anyway, here are some sketches from Rome and Arezzo. More later. Ciao, Dana


  1. Your sketches are so WONDERFUL! Looks and sounds like you're having a fantastic time!

  2. Love your comments, photos and renderings of Rome. Brings back fond memories of 1962, when Steve & I lived in Rome for almost a whole year. Some things never change... happily!

  3. Fabulous sketches, Dana! Looking forward to more. Have fun!!
