Friday, January 20, 2012

Vicki's Got A New Job!

After 26 years as a freelancer, Vicki decided to take a job as a full-time employee! She's now with the Effectiveness Institute, a Bellevue-based human resources consulting and management training company. Since E.I. is all about communication and team processes, she got to interview with just about everybody there, over a long period of time. With so many interviews, it was inevitable that there would be at least one "scheduling malfunction." Vicki learned of it when the boss called, saying he thought the interview had been scheduled earlier that day. I loved Vicki's quick-thinking response.

But she got the job - of course. I was worried about the big change in her schedule and keeping regular work hours, so I made sure she got plenty of sleep before her big first day.
No matter how good you are or how long you've been doing your work, there's always the first day jitters.
And then, after all that, Seattle's big Snowmageddon hit on day two of her job!
She ended up working from home for a few days. There have been some bumpy adjustments.
The snow is melting and Vicki is at the office. My bunny slippers and I miss her and I have promised to learn to use the stove. This is a very exciting start to our new year and I'm so proud of her. Congratulations, Vicki! 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Vickie! They are so lucky to have you and your positive attitude! :) I'm so excited for you and your new adventure!
