Monday, July 11, 2011

It's Pirate 1.1!

My iPhone app book, "I'm Going to Be a Pirate!" is getting an update, giving it music and a "go back to the beginning" feature. When Matt, my contact from TwoBigDads (they make book apps) wrote to say he had a musician standing by and would I want some music I shouted "Yarrrr!" Then I wondered about this musician standing by. Her name is Helena and she's got two boys who probably love pirates. Thank you Helena! And thank you Matt. Look for your update hitting your device soon. Don't have the app? Check it out here  and then click on the "view in iTunes" button (sorry, iPods, iPhones, iPads only).

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! My son is absolutely OBSESSED with your story, Dana! His eyes get so big when we read it.
